Intro: Arabic Prayer
iitajil binik – bring deine Söhne mit
Al-Jalil- der Grosse, der Verehrte, Erhaben, grossartig
I’ll write it down in the future of, the future of 3010.
It is just another secret under lock and key until we meet again.
The dimming of the lights will remind us how to see.
Conditional response takes place. Resuscitates divinity.
In this game of hide, of hide and seek, I can’t help but think (the) essential corollary has swallowed the key.
Memories fashioned out of dirt and lust.
There were moments we got to be glorious. I
ce sculptures were born that night.
Sand castles seem tall but never feel right.
Come on Baby make this messes matter,
Come on Baby make this chaos count.
Come on let every little chapter of this get better somehow.
Maybe I am hiding behind my own reform.
Maybe my life just needs to fade to be sure.
Their power falls apart as if I could, as if I could let myself be free.
Will I ever know, will I ever know,
if I am already brave enough to let go.
When will I finally feel my energy expand? Experience and hope… difficult to understand.
What if we are all bizarre?
Who am I trying to become?
In a certain light I can clearly see a reflection of you and me.
Come on Baby make this messes matter, Come on Baby make this chaos count.
Come on let every little chapter of this get better somehow.
Maybe I am hiding behind my own reform.
Maybe my life just needs to fade to be sure.
Outro: Arabic voices
(Arabic Prayer)
Trommelwirbel prasseln wie Regentropfen in die dunklen Gassen des Weltraums, wie ein Spaceshuttle kreist eine eindringliche Stimme über der Großstadt des Weltraums, düsterer kraftvoller Beat und wabernder Bass, instrumentale blinkende diffuse bunte Lichter schweben durch den Orbit. Diese nächtliche Autofahrt auf der Milchstraße hallt mit orientalischen Klängen nach. Musik kann Grenzen überwinden und Menschen aus aller Welt zusammenbringen, das Einfließen unterschiedlicher Sprachen zeigt es. Spaciger Trip Hop, nervöser Rock und elektronische melodische Parts verschmelzen miteinander. Kraftvoll sowie zerbrechlich entwickeln sich die Songs zur intensiven spannungsgeladenen Fusion aus Electronic, Rock und Pop. Der düster-sphärische Sound verzaubert durch seine einnehmende Dichte und sanfte Klangwellen.
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