Video der Woche: Conny Ochs – King of the Dead [kw11/2020]

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I fall into a shadow and i never could climb it up again
Now i´m searching for a light that was shining on my way
They call me king of the dead, since i have a hard time with the living
Call me king of the dead and that´s who i am
King of the dead, that´s who i am

King of the dead That´s who i am, king of the dead

You fall into a darkness, and you never could climb it up again
Searching for a bit of light that was shining on your way
They call you king of the dead, since you have a hard time with the living
Call me king of the dead and that´s who i,
Call me king of the dead and that´s who i am
King of the dead, that´s who i am King of the dead.
That´s who i am, king of the dead That´s who i am

„King of the dead“ stammt von Conny Ochs‘ viertem Soloalbum „Doom Folk“, welches im Februar 2019 bei Exile on Mainstream erschienen ist. Video by Lutz Kretschmann:


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